The Simple Present tense is used to express routine, habits events and facts in the present. 1.Rotine: Ellen works from…
How often do you go to the opera? Adverbs of frequency describe the frequency of an action. They answer to…
Prepositions “In On At”, give reference of space movement and time. They locate something in time and in space. Some…
“There is”- “there are” express the existance of something. For instance: Singular Plural Aff.: There is a table…
Possessive case or Genitive case indicates possession of something to someone, or relationship among people. This relation is indicated by…
"A WH question is a question in English that is a request for information rather than to answer "yes" or "no": typically introduced by the word who, which, what, where, when, or how…
According to the website, possessive adjectives are modifiers. They modify nouns, and the way they modify nouns is by…
According to the website, articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. Before talking about articles,…