
ESL Grammar Exercises

Here, I present some ESL Grammar Exercises for classroom use.

Find the Mistake” activity for different topics.

They are really useful in my classes.

I hope they are useful for you, too!❤️️

The topics are:

  • Articles ( A . An . The )
  • Prepositions ( In . On . At )
  • Simple Present
  • Simple Past
  • Singular & Plural
  • A . An . Some . Any
  • There is . There are
  • To Be
  • WH Questions

Articles and Prepositions

▶️ For ARTICLES LESSON, click here.

▶️ For PREPOSITIONS LESSON, clique here.

A . An . The

Find the mistakes and correct them :

  1. I have an new umbrella.
  2. There is the man at the door.
  3. My brother is salesman and my sister is a accountant.
  4. Donna needs an new pair of shoes.
  5. Have the nice day.
  6. Is there an restaurant in this town?
  7. Carol is looking for job.
  8. I have a idea.
  9. Those people are foreigners. A woman is French and a man is Italian.
  10. A president is busy.
  11. I have to go to bank.
  12. A moon is shining today.
  13. They know truth.
  14. A movie is good. Let’s watch it.
  15. Alice is writing an book.
  16. Maurice is not an driver.
  17. Can you turn TV on, please?
  18. Rome is a capital of Italy.
  19. My parents live in the Spain.
  20. Look at a sky!
  21. There is an party at night.
  22. My kids eat a apple every day.
  23. I usually go to a work by car.
  24. Derek has the nice house.
  25. A shoes are under the bed.
  26. Would you like the cup of coffee?
  27. Janet is an good friend.
  28. There is an book on the table.
  29. My dad is an good cook.
  30. London is big city.

A / An / The – Suggested Answer Key

  1. I have a new umbrella.
  2. There is a man at the door.
  3. My brother is a salesman and my sister is an accountant.
  4. Donna needs a new pair of shoes.
  5. Have a nice day.
  6. Is there a restaurant in the town?
  7. Carol is looking for a job.
  8. I have an idea.
  9. Those people are foreigners. The woman is French and the man is Italian.
  10. The president is busy.
  11. I have to go to the bank.
  12. The moon is shining today.
  13. They know the truth.
  14. The movie is good. Let’s watch it.
  15. Alice is writing a book.
  16. Maurice is not a driver.
  17. Can you turn the TV on, please?
  18. Rome is the capital of Italy.
  19. My parents live in Spain.
  20. Look at the sky!
  21. There is a party at night.
  22. My kids eat an apple every day.
  23. I usually go to work by car.
  24. Derek has a nice house.
  25. The shoes are under the bed.
  26. Would you like a cup of coffee?
  27. Janet is a good friend.
  28. There is a book on the table.
  29. My dad is a good cook.
  30. London is a big city.

In / On / At

Find the mistakes and correct them:

  1. I’m waiting on the bus stop.
  2. There are many pictures in the wall.
  3. The kids are not on home now.
  4. The party is in Friday.
  5. Let’s meet on the mall.
  6. There are many people on the room.
  7. We usually go to sleep in midnight.
  8. We usually visit our parents in Saturdays.
  9. Jenny’s birthday is in December 4th.
  10. I live on 412, Oak street.
  11. I saw the new at the TV.
  12. Stephen works at the morning.
  13. We go skiing on winter.
  14. The meeting starts in 3 pm.
  15. Brenda was born at the ’80s.
  16. There are many cars at the street.
  17. The back is at the right.
  18. The neighbor is waiting on the door.
  19. We have to sit at the floor.
  20. There are some coins on my pocket.
  21. They are waiting on the car.
  22. Andrea is sick. She is on the hospital now.
  23. There are some trees on the yard.
  24. There are three cats in the ceiling.
  25. There is a gift for you at the box.
  26. We met Erin on the station.
  27. The photos are in the wall.
  28. The fruits are not at the basket.
  29. Brian is on the library.
  30. Christmas is in December 25th.

In / On / At – Suggested Answer Key

  1. I’m waiting at the bus stop.
  2. There are many pictures on the wall.
  3. The kids are not at home now.
  4. The party is on Friday.
  5. Let’s meet at the mall.
  6. There are many people in the room.
  7. We usually go to sleep at midnight.
  8. We usually visit our parents on Saturdays.
  9. Jenny’s birthday is on December 4th.
  10. I live at 412, Oak street.
  11. I saw the news on the TV.
  12. Stephen works in the morning.
  13. We go skiing in winter.
  14. The meeting starts at 3 pm.
  15. Brenda was born in the ’80s.
  16. There are many cars on the street.
  17. The back is on the right.
  18. The neighbor is waiting at the door.
  19. We have to sit on the floor.
  20. There are some coins in my pocket.
  21. They are waiting in the car.
  22. Andrea is sick. She is at the hospital now.
  23. There are some trees in the yard.
  24. There are three cats on the ceiling.
  25. There is a gift for you in the box.
  26. We met Erin at the station.
  27. The photos are on the wall.
  28. The fruits are not in the basket.
  29. Brian is at the library.
  30. Christmas is on December 25th.
Simple Present Exercise

▶️ For SIMPLE PRESENT LESSON, click here.

▶️ For SIMPLE PRESENT QUIZ, click here.

▶️ For more SIMPLE PAST WORKSHEETS, click here.

Simple Present

Find the mistakes and correct them:

  1. Daniel do his homework in the morning.
  2. Our neighbors plays football every weekend.
  3. We gets up early every day.
  4. Jordan is a musician. He plaies the guitar, the violin, and the piano.
  5. Nicole never shout. She is a very polite girl.
  6. My husband and I occasionally eats in a restaurant.
  7. Barbara text her friends many times a day.
  8. Dorothy not like chocolate.
  9. My father read the newspaper in the morning.
  10. Mathew go to school on foot.
  11. Rachel studys Architecture.
  12. How often do you checks your emails?
  13. David only watch TV on weekends.
  14. Today does not Sunday.
  15. I always forgets my pencil at home.
  16. My mom buy fresh vegetables every day.
  17. The kids wears a uniform to school.
  18. The ice cream costs 1 dollar.
  19. Sean and Austin doesn’t like to play tennis.
  20. Sophie cookies her own food.
  21. We loves to eat popcorn at the cinema.
  22. Albert don’t have any free time.
  23. We studys German and Greek at school.
  24. Olivia never go to school by bus.
  25. Gary and Amy leaves to work at seven o’clock.
  26. Anna don’t know how to swim.
  27. Alexandra sometimes play video games with her brother.
  28. Peter not like to exercise. He is lazy.
  29. Bruce have a kitten.
  30. Doris make her bed in the morning.

Simple Present – Suggested Key

  1. Daniel does his homework in the morning.
  2. Our neighbors play football every weekend.
  3. We get up early every day.
  4. Jordan is a musician. He plays the guitar, the violin, and the piano.
  5. Nicole never shouts. She is a very polite girl.
  6. My husband and I occasionally eat in a restaurant.
  7. Barbara texts her friends many times a day.
  8. Dorothy doesn’t like chocolate.
  9. My father reads the newspaper in the morning.
  10. Mathew goes to school on foot.
  11. Rachel studies Architecture.
  12. How often do you check your emails?
  13. David only watches TV on weekends.
  14. Today is not Sunday.
  15. I always forget my pencil at home.
  16. My mom buys fresh vegetables every day.
  17. The kids wear a uniform to school.
  18. The ice cream cost 1 dollar.
  19. Sean and Austin don’t like to play tennis.
  20. Sophie cooks her own food.
  21. We love to eat popcorn at the cinema.
  22. Albert doesn’t have any free time.
  23. We study German and Greek at school.
  24. Olivia never goes to school by bus.
  25. Gary and Amy leave to work at seven o’clock.
  26. Anna doesn’t know how to swim.
  27. Alexandra sometimes plays video games with her brother.
  28. Peter doesn’t like to exercise. He is lazy.
  29. Bruce has a kitten.
  30. Doris makes her bed in the morning.

▶️ For SINGULAR and PLURAL LESSON, click here.

▶️ For SOME and ANY LESSON, click here.

Singular and Plural

Find the mistakes and correct them:

  1. The knifes are on the table.
  2. There are lots of sheeps at the farm.
  3. We need some potatos for lunch.
  4. I saw some mouses on the street.
  5. Where are the peoples?
  6. The child are playing.
  7. The cherrys are blooming.
  8. Natalie is feeding the gooses.
  9. We are honest woman.
  10. The scarf are fancy.
  11. There are beautiful countrys in Asia.
  12. Her new dressies are beautiful.
  13. The shelf are full of books.
  14. The computer is full of virus.
  15. The baby are hungry.
  16. The kid’s puppys are cute.
  17. Our wife are talking in the living room.
  18. The flys are bothering us.
  19. All the families is welcome.
  20. There aren’t any sandwich in the fridge.
  21. Isabella has some beautiful watch.
  22. The cherrys and strawberrys are fresh.
  23. The leaf are turning brown.
  24. Those are policeman over there.
  25. The boxs are in the other room.
  26. We have some flowers for the ladys.
  27. I cut some tomatos for the salad.
  28. My feets are cold. It’s freezing outside.
  29. Superman and Batman is my heroes.
  30. Foxs are beautiful animals. They live in the wild.

Singular and Plural – Suggested Answer Key

  1. The knives are on the table.
  2. There are lots of sheep at the farm.
  3. We need some potatoes for lunch.
  4. I saw some mice on the street.
  5. Where are the people?
  6. The children are playing.
  7. The cherries are blooming.
  8. Natalie is feeding the geese.
  9. We are honest women.
  10. The scarves are fancy.
  11. There are beautiful countries in Asia.
  12. Her new dresses are beautiful.
  13. The shelves are full of books.
  14. The computer is full of viruses.
  15. The babies are hungry.
  16. The kid’s puppies are cute.
  17. Our wives are talking in the living room.
  18. The flies are bothering us.
  19. All the families are welcome.
  20. There aren’t any sandwiches in the fridge.
  21. Isabella has some beautiful watches.
  22. The cherries and strawberries are fresh.
  23. The leaves are turning brown.
  24. Those are policemen over there.
  25. The boxes are in the other room.
  26. We have some flowers for the ladies.
  27. I cut some tomatoes for the salad.
  28. My feet are cold. It’s freezing outside.
  29. Superman and Batman are my heroes.
  30. Foxes are beautiful animals. They live in the wild.

A An Some any

Find the mistakes and correct them:

  1. There isn’t a bread, but there are some cookies.
  2. Alison is any good hairdresser.
  3. Do they have a pets? Yes, they have a dog.
  4. My sister is wearing some pink dress.
  5. There isn’t a salt in the salad.
  6. Would you like a more water?
  7. There are a children playing in the playground.
  8. Can I have an cheese?
  9. Can you give me a help?
  10. I can’t see a birds. Where are they?
  11. Is there some gas station near here?
  12. We have to buy a food.
  13. There are a good stores around here.
  14. We don’t have a news from her.
  15. I didn’t have some dessert.
  16. It is some wonderful city.
  17. Is there an black pen on the desk?
  18. There are any people waiting outside.
  19. Mom is baking an cake for us.
  20. Leonard is an dentist.
  21. Would you like a coffee?
  22. Can I have a apple, please?
  23. I’m hungry. Let’s have any soup.
  24. There is an peach, a orange and any bananas.
  25. Look! George is wearing an tie.
  26. I want any bread and a cup of tea.
  27. I have a good news.
  28. Jonathan needs a advice.
  29. I’d like any cake.
  30. Evelyn needs an new pair of shoes.

A An Some any – Suggested Answer Key

  1. There isn’t any bread, but there are some cookies.
  2. Alison is a good hairdresser.
  3. Do they have any pets? Yes, they have a dog.
  4. My sister is wearing a pink dress.
  5. There isn’t any salt in the salad.
  6. Would you like some more water?
  7. There are some children playing in the playground.
  8. Can I have some cheese?
  9. Can you give me some help?
  10. I can’t see any birds. Where are they?
  11. Is there a gas station near here?
  12. We have to buy some food.
  13. There are some good stores around here.
  14. We don’t have any news from her.
  15. I didn’t have any dessert.
  16. It is a wonderful city.
  17. Is there a black pen on the desk?
  18. There are some people waiting outside.
  19. Mom is baking a cake for us.
  20. Leonard is a dentist.
  21. Would you like some coffee?
  22. Can I have an apple, please?
  23. I’m hungry. Let’s have some soup.
  24. There is a peach, an orange, and some bananas.
  25. Look! George is wearing a tie.
  26. I want some bread and a cup of tea.
  27. I have some good news.
  28. Jonathan needs some advice.
  29. I’d like some cake.
  30. Evelyn needs a new pair of shoes.

▶️ For THERE IS / THERE ARE LESSON, click here.

▶️ For TO BE LESSON, click here.

▶️ For WH QUESTIONS LESSON, click here.


There is there are

Find the mistakes and correct them:

  1. There is some clothes on the bed.
  2. Are there some clients in the line?
  3. There are twenty student in the classroom.
  4. There is a big pictures on the wall.
  5. There isn’t any dishes on the table.
  6. How many days is there in January?
  7. There aren’t some lions in the Amazonia forest.
  8. There is 50 states in the United States.
  9. There isn’t any boxes under the desk.
  10. There isn’t a bus stations near here.
  11. Are there a garage in your home?
  12. There is some papers on the floor.
  13. There is some kids playing in the garden.
  14. Is there any fruits in the fridge?
  15. There isn’t some milk in the kitchen.
  16. There are a truck near the house.
  17. Is there any flowers in the vase?
  18. There is kangaroos in Australia.
  19. There aren’t some problems to be solved.
  20. There is any homework today.
  21. There isn’t any glasses on the table.
  22. Are there a lamp on your desk?
  23. There are an elephant in the zoo.
  24. How many birds is there in the cage?
  25. There aren’t any sugar in the jar.
  26. There are only one cinema in my city.
  27. There is some good schools around here.
  28. There is a red carpet on the floor.
  29. There is any coffee, but there isn’t any milk.
  30. There is good movies on TV tonight.

There is there are – suggested key

  1. There are some clothes on the bed.
  2. Are there any clients in the line?
  3. There are twenty students in the classroom.
  4. There is a big picture on the wall.
  5. There aren’t any dishes on the table.
  6. How many days are there in January?
  7. There aren’t any lions in the Amazonia forest.
  8. There are 50 states in the United States.
  9. There aren’t any boxes under the desk.
  10. There isn’t a bus station near here.
  11. Is there a garage in your home?
  12. There are some papers on the floor.
  13. There are some kids playing in the garden.
  14. Are there any fruits in the fridge?
  15. There is some milk in the kitchen.
  16. There is a truck near the house.
  17. Are there any flowers in the vase?
  18. There are kangaroos in Australia.
  19. There are some problems to be solved.
  20. There isn’t any homework today.
  21. There aren’t any glasses on the table.
  22. Is there a lamp on your desk?
  23. There is an elephant in the zoo.
  24. How many birds are there in the cage?
  25. There isn’t any sugar in the jar.
  26. There is only one cinema in my city.
  27. There are some good schools around here.
  28. There is a red carpet on the floor.
  29. There is some coffee, but there isn’t any milk.
  30. There is a good movie on TV tonight.

To be

Find the mistakes and correct them:

  1. Mary and Gerald is friends.
  2. How old is you?
  3. The city are hot in summer.
  4. My mom am at home now.
  5. My clothes is dirty.
  6. This book are good.
  7. What are it?
  8. It are my birthday today.
  9. We am late for class.
  10. I is an only child.
  11. The dogs is brown.
  12. Is you hungry?
  13. Ben and Jason is at home.
  14. The stores is closed today.
  15. There is ducks and fish in the lake.
  16. That man are handsome.
  17. The bottles is full.
  18. Those people am my cousins.
  19. Are Mr. Smith a doctor?
  20. The pizza are cold.
  21. My name am Sarah.
  22. Cindy and I am coworkers.
  23. The cat and the dog is cute.
  24. The vegetables is fresh and delicious.
  25. My family and I am in Canada.
  26. I are not tall.
  27. Where is those people from?
  28. Sharks is dangerous.
  29. Are Alex a good dancer?
  30. Susie are a nice girl.

To be – Suggested Answer Key

  1. Mary and Gerald are friends.
  2. How old are you?
  3. The city is hot in summer.
  4. My mom is at home now.
  5. My clothes are dirty.
  6. This book is good.
  7. What is it?
  8. It is my birthday today.
  9. We are late for class.
  10. I am an only child.
  11. The dogs are brown.
  12. Are you hungry?
  13. Ben and Jason are at home.
  14. The stores are closed today.
  15. There are ducks and fish in the lake.
  16. That man is handsome.
  17. The bottles are full.
  18. Those people are my cousins.
  19. Is Mr. Smith a doctor?
  20. The pizza is cold.
  21. My name is Sarah.
  22. Cindy and I are coworkers.
  23. The cat and the dog are cute.
  24. The vegetables are fresh and delicious.
  25. My family and I are in Canada.
  26. I am not tall.
  27. Where are those people from?
  28. Sharks are dangerous.
  29. Is Alex a good dancer?
  30. Susie is a nice girl.

Wh questions

Find the mistakes and correct them:

  1. When is your best friend? My best friend is Joanne.
  2. Who old is she? She is 17 years old.
  3. What are you going? I am going to the gym.
  4. Where do they watch TV? I watch TV at night.
  5. How many does an iPhone cost? It costs around $2000.
  6. What is Brendon mad? Because he lost his phone.
  7. Why is your favorite kind of music? My favorite kind of music is rock.
  8. Where is Elsa’s birthday? Her birthday is on April 12th.
  9. Who do they go every year? They go to Europe every year.
  10. Who glasses are those? They are Carla’s.
  11. How old do the kids study English? They study English three times a week.
  12. How much children do you have? We have three children.
  13. How many is the coke? It’s $2.
  14. Which do they do? They are teachers.
  15. Whose is your email address? It’s
  16. Who are they? They are fine, thanks.
  17. What is that man? He is the new driver.
  18. When time is it? It’s 7:15.
  19. How is the meeting? It’s at 4 pm.
  20. When do you have lunch? I have lunch at home.
  21. Which is my bag? It’s in the wardrobe.
  22. Where is she sad? Because she is alone.
  23. How much days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.
  24. Where is your flight? It’s tomorrow afternoon.
  25. How is your interview? It’s next week.
  26. How does she go to the supermarket? She always goes to the supermarket.
  27. Which is that? That is a dog.
  28. Whose is helping you? Alice is helping me.
  29. When time does Phillip arrive from school? He arrives around 5:30.
  30. Who do they come from? They come from South Africa.

Wh Questions – Suggested Answer Key

  1. Who is your best friend? My best friend is Joanne.
  2. How old is she? She is 17 years old.
  3. Where are you going? I am going to the gym.
  4. When do they watch TV? I watch TV at night.
  5. How much does an iPhone cost? It costs around $2000.
  6. Why is Brendon mad? Because he lost his phone.
  7. What is your favorite kind of music? My favorite kind of music is rock.
  8. When is Elsa’s birthday? Her birthday is on April 12th.
  9. Where do they go every year? They go to Europe every year.
  10. Whose glasses are those? They are Carla’s.
  11. How often do the kids study English? They study English three times a week.
  12. How many children do you have? We have three children.
  13. How much is the coke? It’s $2.
  14. What do they do? They are teachers.
  15. What is your email address? It’s
  16. How are they? They are fine, thanks.
  17. Who is that man? He is the new driver.
  18. What time is it? It’s 7:15.
  19. When is the meeting? It’s at 4 pm.
  20. Where do you have lunch? I have lunch at home.
  21. Where is my bag? It’s in the wardrobe.
  22. Why is she sad? Because she is alone.
  23. How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.
  24. When is your flight? It’s tomorrow afternoon.
  25. When is your interview? It’s next week.
  26. How often does she go to the supermarket? She always goes to the supermarket.
  27. What is that? That is a dog.
  28. Who is helping you? Alice is helping me.
  29. What time does Phillip arrive from school? He arrives around 5:30.
  30. Where do they come from? They come from South Africa.
Have nice classes!

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