Some and Any are quantifiers used to represent quantity, although not specifyc.
Both can be used before countable and uncountable nouns.
Do you have any questions?
No, we don’t have any questions.
Yes, we have some questions.
According to the website dicionário Oxford, some is used before countable nouns or uncountables in plural form.
Some is used in:
- Affirmative sentences before countable nouns:
- There are some sandwiches in the fridge.
- Bobby got some presents for his birthday.
- The kids are eating some cookies.
- Would you like some coffee?
- Can I have some water?
2. In affirmative sentences before uncountable nous:
- I have some news about the case.
- I will buy some food for us.
- Drink some water.
3. In negative sentences to make requests:
- Can I have some coffee?
- Could you give me some help?
- May I ask you some questions?
4. In interrogative sentences to make offers:
- Would you like some tea?
- Can I bring you some water?
- Would you like some cake?
Any is used in:
1 Negative sentences:
- I don’t have any clean shirts.
- They don’t need any help.
- They don’t like any kind of music.
2. Interrogative sentences:
- Do you have any good ideas?
- Does Ammy have any siblings?
- Is there any problem?
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